"The journey is the reward."

시트콤 애니메이션 영화

굿 플레이스 시즌2: 7화 영어 표현 mull something over, get it out, shoot the breeze

writer_C 2023. 11. 13. 20:00


영어 공부를 위해 시트콤 <굿 플레이스>를 보고있습니다. 이 작품은 영어 회화를 배우는데 적격이라는 이야기가 많아 입문하게 되었는데요. 처음 한 두편은 제 취향이 아닌것 같았지만 보다보니 재미가 들렸습니다.  게다가 제가 즐겨본 <프렌즈>를 통해 익힌 표현과 영어 회화 책을 통해 익힌 표현이  이 작품에도 나와서 재밌게 감상하고 있는데요. 반복되는 표현과 익히고 싶은 문장을 기록합니다.  :)





Scene 1 


Eleanor: The point is,
to get through a real heartbreak,
you have to sit with your feelings 
and mull it over and power through.
And you have to talk about it.


mull something over : 

  1. : to think carefully about something for a long time
  • Well, I can trust fear to be around whenever I explore some new aspect of my life; whenever I mull over a new area for growth and adventure, I know that fear will immediately be by my side. 
  • I need a few days to mull things over before I decide if I'm taking the job.
  • I need some time to mull it over before making a decision.




Scene 2


Eleanor: Look,
I don't wanna talk about this,
but after everything that's happened today, we gotta.
So, let's just get it all out there.


get it out:

  1. : 고민을 털어놓다[이야기하다]
  • Everyone should have a friend to get it out. 
  • He wanted to get it all out there. 




Scene 3


Eleanor: Wow! You, uh... you really did
just come here to chat, didn't you?
Just shoot the shirt with your old pal, Eleanor.


shoot the shit(breeze):

  1. to talk with someone about unimportant things for a long time:
  • We sat on the porch until late at night, just shooting the breeze.
  • We shoot the breeze about everything - sport, kids, life. 


