영어 공부를 위해 시트콤 <굿 플레이스>를 보고있습니다. 이 작품은 영어 회화를 배우는데 적격이라는 이야기가 많아 입문하게 되었는데요. 처음 한 두편은 제 취향이 아닌것 같았지만 보다보니 재미가 들렸습니다. 게다가 제가 즐겨본 <프렌즈>를 통해 익힌 표현과 영어 회화 책을 통해 익힌 표현이 이 작품에도 나와서 재밌게 감상하고 있는데요. 반복되는 표현과 익히고 싶은 문장을 기록합니다. :)
Scene 1
Chidi: Dude, she's trying so hard, and you're giving her nothing!
Just pick a fact that you know about her and just muddle through.
She said she likes impressionist paintings.
muddle through :
- : to manage to do something although you are not organized and do not know how to do it
- Sorry, but I can't help you - you'll just have to muddle through on your own.
- 그럭저럭 해내다. muddle: an untidy or confused state.
Scene 2
Eleanor: Yes! Recharge the old batteries.
I promise this is gonna help both of us.
Let's go.
Michael: Okay.
Let's keep our eyes peeled for twigs that
may have a nefarious agenda.
keep your eyes peeled/skinned
- : to watch carefully for someone or something
- Keep your eyes peeled for Polly and Maisie.
- We kept our eyes peeled for any signs of life.
Scene 3
Michael: Usually, architects don't live in their neighborhoods.
Usually, the people show up, we play the movie,
Janet is there to answer questions, and you're on your own.
But I had this theory. I thought transition would be easier
if the architect were on-site for at least the first 1,000 years or so.
Eleanor: That's why you've been so freaked out,
'cause your butt is on the line.
be on the line:
- to be at risk:
- Almost 3,000 jobs have been lost recently, and a further 3,000 are on the line.
- If we don’t make a profit, my job is on the line.