영어 공부를 위해 시트콤 <굿 플레이스>를 보고있습니다. 이 작품은 영어 회화를 배우는데 적격이라는 이야기가 많아 입문하게 되었는데요. 처음 한 두편은 제 취향이 아닌것 같았지만 보다보니 재미가 들렸습니다. 게다가 제가 즐겨본 <프렌즈>를 통해 익힌 표현과 영어 회화 책을 통해 익힌 표현이 이 작품에도 나와서 재밌게 감상하고 있는데요. 반복되는 표현과 익히고 싶은 문장을 기록합니다. :)
Scene 1
Eleanor: I never did stuff like that when I was on Earth.
But now, thanks to your "good person" lessons,
I didn't hold up the line.
I didn't even try a dozen samples I didn't want
just to spite some jerk who told me
I was holding up the line.
hold up line :
- : 줄을 방해하다, 줄을 지연시키다
- you're holding up the line. 주토피아 대사
- I didn't hold up the line.
*hold the line 은 다른 의미다. to keep a someone waiting on the telephone.
*Will you hold the line while I check my calendar?
cut in line :
- : 새치기하다
- Sorry, I didn't mean to cut in line. I'll just wait my turn back there, then. 여행영어
- I can practice letting people cut in front of me.
- Yes, and you just cut in front of us.
wait in line :
- : 줄 서서 기다리다
- Please complete this form and wait in line.
- Oh, were you guys waiting in line?
Scene 2
Tahani: So without further ado,
take it away from me!
Sorry, I mean take it away, Kamilah.
without further ado:
- : with no more delay
- And now, without further ado, here is our special guest speaker.
- So without further ado, please welcome Dr.Hamston.
take something away:
- : to learn something from an experience or activity
- What do you hope people will take away from this?
- Take away something valuable this time.
take it away:
- : 시작(방송신호) !
Scene 3
Michael: Why in the world did you go outside?
Tahini: Because I saw the ranking in the manual.
what, how, why, etc. in the world:
- used to emphasize your surprise when asking a question:
- Who in the world could do such a thing?
- What in the world are you doing in the cupboard?