"The journey is the reward."

시트콤 애니메이션 영화

굿 플레이스 시즌1: 10화 영어 표현 have some nerve, dodge a bullet

writer_C 2023. 11. 8. 20:00


영어 공부를 위해 시트콤 <굿 플레이스>를 보고있습니다. 이 작품은 영어 회화를 배우는데 적격이라는 이야기가 많아 입문하게 되었는데요. 처음 한 두편은 제 취향이 아닌것 같았지만 보다보니 재미가 들렸습니다.  게다가 제가 즐겨본 <프렌즈>를 통해 익힌 표현과 영어 회화 책을 통해 익힌 표현이  이 작품에도 나와서 재밌게 감상하고 있는데요. 반복되는 표현과 익히고 싶은 문장을 기록합니다.  :)





Scene 1 


Tahani: You have some nerve asking me for favors
when you have spent weeks deceiving me, making a fool out of me,
and bringing snack food into my house.


have a(some) nerve : 

  1. : behave in a way that other people think is rude or not appropriate.
  • You have some nerve [=a lot of nerve] to say that!
  • You've got some nerve[gall]!




Scene 2


Tahani: This isn't ideal.
We must remain civil. 
He's simply going to have to pick one of us,
and the loser will just have to accept her fate,
with grace and equanim ity.



  1. : polite and formal
  • keep it civil.
  • His manner was civil, though not particularly friendly.




Scene 3


Tahani: It's funny.
I was devastated when I found out that he wasn't my soul mate,
but now I think I've dodged a bullet.
He's a simple man.


dodge a(that) bullet:

  1. to barely avoid being hit or affected by something harmful.
  2. If someone has dodged a bullet, they have successfully avoided a very serious problem.
  • We was dodge that bullet of one race against another. 
  • You thought she was gonna dodge that bullet? 


No more thinking, Chidi.
Just do something.
Indecision caused you so much agony* in your life,
 right up to the very end.

