15화 100일
Mr. President: Sandra, your story breaks my heart. And as a father, I can't even imagine what you're going through. Gun control is one of the most divisive, hot-button topics in our nation, but that should not be an excuse for avoiding the issue. In fact, that should be the opposite. 100일을 맞아 타운홀 미팅을 열어 국민들과 소통하는 과정에서, 산드라가 자신의 딸이 총기사고로 목숨을 잃었으며 앞으로 이런 일이 벌어지지 않게 어떤 노력을 하겠느냐고 묻는다.
*hot button: a subject that is important to people and about which they have strong opinions.
*Gender issues have become something of a hot button.
16화 정당의 노선
Mr. President: We will work the language of the bill in the House... but if we don't get it past the Senate, I don't know if we're gonna get another chance at this.
Senator Hunter: I agree with you, Mr. President, Which is why I'm willing to convince my colleagues to fall in line. 상원의원을 만나 총기 규제 법안의 통과에 대한 생각을 주고 받는 커크먼.
*fall in line: If a person in an organization falls in/into line, he, she, or it starts to follow the rules and behave according to expected standards of behaviour.
17화 아홉번째 대법관
Agent Wells: They're old school when it comes to infrastructure. Signs and... and countersigns, very analogue when they want to be. We're going to have to observe them up close.
Agent Foerstel : No unnecessary risks, Hannah. 음모 배후의 조직의 실체를 알아가던 과정에서, 그들의 상황을 목격한 채 본부와 통화하는 에이전트 웰스.
*old school : old-fashioned; not modern.
18화 귀환
Emily: Thank God we didn't go public with your choice.
Mr. President : (Sigh) Maybe we should.
Emily: No. Sir, this is not the time to double down.
We need to cut her loose now. 훅스트라튼 하원 의장에게 부통령 자리를 제안한 상황에서 그녀의 스캔들이 터지고, 에밀리와 대통령 커크먼은 뉴스를 보면서 훅스트라튼 의원에 대해 어떤 입장을 취해야할지 의견이 엇갈린다.
*double down: to continue to do something in an even more determined way than before.
19화 우리 안에 있다
Seth : Look, I'm sure you'll ride on the plane soon enough, right?
Somebody's got to stay here to hold down the fort.
Emily : Oh, well, I hope you enjoy your in-flight pretzels because I will be the highest ranking person in the White House.
에어포스원을 타고 나토 회의를 떠나기에 앞서서 백안관 대변인 세스와 대통령 수행비서 에밀리가 농담을 나눈다
*hold down the fort : to have responsibility for something while someone is absent.
20화 폭탄선언
Secretary Moss : But we're not out of the woods yet. Not by a long shot.
You may have salvaged some credibility with NATO for the time being,
but we're gonna have a whole new firestorm waiting for us when we land.
Mr. President: I know.
Moss : You ready for it? Nato 회담을 수습하고 모스 장관과 대화를 나누는 커크먼.
전 대통령인 모스는 커크먼에게 위험을 벗어나려면 아직 멀었다고 조언한다.
*out of the woods : not having a problem or difficulty any longer.
21화 충격에 대비하라
Secretary Moss : Every president has a defining crisis.
You, Tom, have had several. But you are going to weather this.
Because one way or another, it's all coming to an end.
Mr. President : And in the meantime?
Secretary Moss : Brace for impact.
모든 대통령은 한번씩 중대한 위기를 겪지만 커크먼은 여러번 겪는다면서 그렇지만 극복해낼 거라고 위로하는 모스.
*weather : to deal successfully with a difficult situation or a problem. 날씨라는 뜻으로만 알다가... 역경을 극복하다, 헤쳐나가다라는 의미는 처음 들었다(!)
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