11화 깊은 슬픔
Seth: Emily, I was taking fire in there.
Emily : You can't fire back.
Seth : My options are limited.
I'm defending an administration that hasn't taken decisive action on anything in ten weeks.
Emily : You can't defend us if you're taking the bait.
Seth : Less flip. Don't take bait. Don't fire back. Duly noted. 대변인 세스에게 담부턴 미끼를 물지도 말고 반격도 하지말라고 조언하는 에밀리. 세스는 잘 알겠다고 답한다
*duly noted : The expression duly noted is a way of saying that something is “officially recognized” or “understood in full.”
Doctor : You need to find a concreat way to acknowledge your grief.
To move on. If you don't you'll be trading water.
And you know what happens to someone who treads water for too long?
Mr. President : They drown.
알렉스의 죽음이후 상심한 커크먼을 치료하던 상담사는 커크먼에게 조언을 해준다.
*trade water : to float with your head above the water’s surface and your feet below you by moving your legs and arms up and down.
*to float with your head above the water’s surface and your feet below you by moving your legs and arms up and down.
12화 최후의 전선
Damian: Could've shot you today, you know.
Do you wonder why I didn't?
Wells: Because you're playing a longer game.
Killing me doesn't bring you in from the cold working with me does.
*in fromm the cold : 그러니까 Come In From the Cold는 단어의 기본 뜻 그대로 새기면 추운 곳으로부터 들어 오다라는 말이 되지만 사실은 무시당한 상태에서, 따돌림 당한 상태에서 벗어나다라는 뜻으로 사용되는 idiom입니다.
웰스에게 미운털 박힌 데미안은 자신이 왜 기회가 있었음에도 그녀를 쏘지 않았는지 아냐고 묻자 웰스는 답한다
13화 원죄
Damian : Why am I wearing an ankle bracelet when I've been helping?
Wells: It's either that or a 30-year term for espionage.
Aaron: She's right. You're gonna have to pony up with something
if you wanna stay out of prison.
도움을 주는데도 왜 아직 발찌를 차고 있어야 하냐고 따지는 데미안에게 간첩행위로 30년 임기 채우고 싶냐고 웰스가 대답하자, 옆에서 듣고 있던 아론이 한마디 보탠다
*pony up with something : to pay (a particular amount of money) for something .
14화 어둠 속에서
Governor : Pull your people back!
I'll mobilize the entire force.
off-duty and volunteer officers. The fire department.
I'll institute strategic road closures. Give my people one hour.
One hour, Mr. President,
to see if they can put a lid on things.
Mr.President : And if they can't?
Governor: Then you lock down our city.
*put a lid on something : to keep something under control and stop it from increasing.
15화 정상회담
Emily : This is a time-sensitive issue.
That's why we can't jump through all of the usual procedural hoops.
Can the president count on you?
Chuck: Sure.
에밀리는 척에게 기자를 조사해달라고 한다. 척은 영장이 있어야 한다고 말하고, 에밀리는 전쟁을 막아야 되는 비상 상황이라 일분일초가 급하다며 척을 설득한다
*jump through hoop: to have to do a lot of things that seem difficult or unnecessary in order to achieve something.
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