"The journey is the reward."

시트콤 애니메이션 영화

넷플릭스 지정생존자 시즌2 영어표현 에피소드 3~5화

writer_C 2024. 4. 30. 18:00



3화 바이러스

Mr. President : 100 years ago, the Spanish flu wiped out 5% of the world's population.

How bad is this?


Tammy : I'll give you a call when I have boots on the ground. 면역이 없는 인플루엔자의 출현으로 보고를 받은 대통령은 좀 더 정확한 상황을 알고싶어한다. 얼마나 심각한 상황인지 묻는 질문에 좀 더 확실해 지면 바로 알려주겠다는 답변을 얻는다.

*boots on the ground : people who are physically present in a place doing the work to achieve something.


4화 균형

Mr. President : She is mourning her dead husband.

Lyor: Sir...

Mr. President : I am not gonna milk human tragedy for political gain.

I am not doing this. Handle it. 국경에서 목숨을 잃은 멕시칸 남편의 와이프를 데려와 백악관에서 기자회견을 시키려다가 그녀가 안절부절 못하는 모습을 보고 그녀를 이용해서 위기를 극복하지 못하겠다고 계획을 갑자기 바꾸는 커크먼.

*milk : to get as much money or information out of someone or something as possible, often in an unfair or dishonest way. 우유라고만 아는 단어에 동사로 이런 의미가 있었네요 !



Mrs. Dunning : Respectfully, sir, it is my experience that children tend to gild the lily.

Mr. President : [chuckles] Gild the lily.

Mrs. Dunning : You know, fudge, and parents want to believe the best. But sometimes, we need to be a bit skeptical. 페니가 화분을 깨트렸는지 의심받는 상황에서 직접 페니와 얘기를 해본 대통령은 자신의 딸을 믿어보기로 한다.

*gild the lily : to improve or decorate something that is already perfect and therefore spoil it.

*To apply unnecessary ornament - to over embellish. Gilding means to cover something with a thin layer of gold. A lily is beautiful just as it is, so there is no need to gild it.

5화 망언

Mr. President: My point is that this finacial scam didn't just hit the rich.

It wiped out hundreds of thousands of state employee pensions.

$8 billion in savings, gone, up in smoke.


Sanator Rouse : You want me to support your pention bailout bill.

But my party does not believe in bailouts.

We believe in individual responsibility.


Mr. President : Until it's time to bail out Wall Street and the banks.

Then the Rebuplicans are all for it. 구제금융 법안에 대해 의원에게 지지를 요청하는 커크먼.


*go up in smoke : Something that goes up in smoke fails to produce the result that was wanted. 연기처럼 사라지다, 수포로 끝나다...

*bailout : 긴급구제, 구제금융

*bail out : to help a person or organization that is in difficulty, usually by giving or lending them or it money.

*bail : a sum of money given to a law court by a person accused of a crime so that the person can be released until the trial, at which time the money will be returned.
