영어공부 하시나요? 저도 그렇습니다. 시트콤 <프렌즈>를 10회 시청을 목표로 10회 차 정주행 중입니다. 가장 먼저 무자막, 그다음엔 영어 자막, 그리고 영어 자막과 한국어 자막을 켜고 보다가, 쉐도잉 하면서 어휘와 이디엄을 찾고 있습니다. 구동사도 추가했지요. 처음에는 10회 차까지 반복하게 되면 무척 질릴 것이라고 생각했습니다. 분명 그런 시간이 있었지만, 이제는 정이 들어서 또 봐도 재밌고, 여전히 새롭게 보이는 부분이 있고, 시즌10이 끝나면 아쉽기도 합니다. 작별인사 하면서 울기도 몇 번 울었습니다. 이처럼 <프렌즈>와 코드가 어느 정도 맞고, 꼭 반복해서 봐야겠다는 의지가 충만합니다. 서론은 줄이고, 공부하며 알게 된 어휘나 이디엄을 한 회당 3개 정도 공유합니다. :)
1 conventional
2 boxy
3 wiggle room
4 all by myself
there's going to be hell to pay
be all caught up in
시즌 9: 16화 "성형수술은 안 돼!" 줄거리 ▼
마이크는 피비에게 동거를 제안하고, 피비는 신이나서 승낙합니다. 친구들은 결혼식을 얘기하며 호들갑을 떨고, 피비도 자신의 결혼을 상상하며 즐거워합니다. 다만 마이크는 결혼 이야기에 질색을 하면서 자신의 지난 결혼에서 얼마나 많은 상처를 받았는지 이야기합니다. 결국 피비와 마이크는 동거대신 결별하게 되는데요. 두 사람의 목적지가 달랐기 때문입니다.
모니카와 챈들러는 예산이 쪼들리는 바람에 조이에게서 돈을 빌리고, 각자에게는 비밀로 합니다. 그러나 서로 오해할 일이 생깁니다.
Chandler and Monica separately ask Joey for a loan. When Chandler discovers Monica asked Joey for money, saying Bings never ask for money, Joey claims Monica needed the cash for a boob job. Rachel tries to baby-proof the apartment by herself but realizes she cannot, so she hires a handyman. This results in Joey desperately trying to open the refrigerator and, once he does, taking all the food out so that he doesn't have to try and open it again. Mike tells Phoebe that he never wants to marry again, which leads Phoebe to question if they should live together. After a heartbreaking decision, Phoebe ends things with Mike after realising that she does want to get married.
Scene 1
Phoebe: I'm just excited to be living with him.
You know, I mean, I don't know...
Can I see someday being married to Mike?
Sure, yeah.
You know, I could picture myself
walking down the aisle in a wedding dress
that highlights my breasts
in an obvious yet classy way.
But do I want that house in Connecricut,
you know, near the good schools
where Mike and I could send
little Sophie and Mike Jr.?
Oh, my god, I do.
Ross: Phoebe, I had no idea
you were so conventional.
(be) conventional :
- : traditional and ordinary
- conventional behaviour/attitudes/clothes
- a conventional wedding
Scene 2
Ross: Yeah, because the more I thought about it,
the more I realized,
I don't think marriage
is necessarily the right path for you.
Phoebe: What do you mean?
Ross: Well, I know the other day
in the coffeehouse,
you were all caught up
in the whole soccer-mom thing, but...
is that really you?
I mean, can you honestly
picture yourself in a Volvo?
Phoebe: They are awfully boxy.
(be) boxy:
- :shaped like a box
- The trouble with many small houses is that they tend to be boxy.
- aboxy car
Scene 3
Phoebe: Just one last time on the marriage thing.
There's no wiggle room? None at all?
Mike: No, but you don't want
to get married either, right?
Phoebe: Right.
Except that I do want to get married.
wiggle room:
- the freedom or opportunity to do something, or to change your mind and do something differently if that is what is needed:
- wiggle: to (cause to) move up and down and/or from side to side with small, quick movements:
- We need to leave ourselves some wiggle room when we're negotiating the deal.
- The buyer still has some wiggle room when the deal is under contract.
- The company allows for a little wiggle room, though.
Do you want to move in together? (피비에게 동거를 제안하는 마이크)
I found the harware store all by myself. (혼자 철물점을 찾았다며 자랑스럽게 얘기하는 레이첼) by myself 보다 좀 더 강조된 혼자인 상황을 나타냄
Well, you put down the toilet seat. (마이크에게 변기 커버를 내리라는 피비)
*Would you put the window down?
Because if we move in and you start changing your mind, there is going to be hell to pay, mister. (자신도 역시 결혼 생각이 없다며 만약 마이크가 마음을 바꾼다면 골치아파질 거라고 둘러대는 피비)
*there is going to be hell to pay: something you say that means someone will be very angry if something happens.
*There'll be hell to pay if she doesn't get the money in time.
I don't know. I mean, what brought that on? (모니카와 챈들러가 왜그렇게 커지지 않는 것에 집착하는지 짚어보는 레이첼)
Well, I know the other day in the coffee house, you were all caught up in the whole soccer-mom thing, but...
is that really you? (피비가 커피하우스에서 흥분해서 보통의 엄마가 되는 상상을 했던 일을 떠올리며 그게 정말 피비의 모습일지 묻는 로스)
*be all caught up in: to become involved in something, often without wanting to 휘말리다의 뉘앙스
*They were having an argument and somehow I got caught up in it.
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