영어공부 하시나요? 저도 그렇습니다. 시트콤 <프렌즈>를 10회 시청을 목표로 8회 차 정주행 중입니다. 가장 먼저 무자막, 그다음엔 영어 자막, 그리고 영어 자막과 한국어 자막을 켜고 보다가, 쉐도잉 하면서 어휘와 이디엄을 찾고 있습니다. 구동사도 추가했지요. 처음에는 10회 차까지 반복하게 되면 무척 질릴 것이라고 생각했습니다. 분명 그런 시간이 있었지만, 이제는 정이 들어서 또 봐도 재밌고, 여전히 새롭게 보이는 부분이 있고, 시즌10이 끝나면 아쉽기도 합니다. 작별인사 하면서 울기도 몇 번 울었습니다. 이처럼 <프렌즈>와 코드가 어느 정도 맞고, 꼭 반복해서 봐야겠다는 의지가 충만합니다. 서론은 줄이고, 공부하며 알게 된 어휘나 이디엄을 한 회당 3개 정도 공유합니다. :)
1 tune (something/someone) out
2 dread
3 hung up on
4 I think I can safely say that
stick up for
lose face
시즌 9: 22화 "완벽한 정자의 조건" 줄거리 ▼
불임 판정을 받은 몬들러 커플, 챈들러는 건강한 정자를 가진 것으로 추정되는 직장 동료 잭을 저녁식사에 초대합니다. 잭은 그것도 모르고 건강과 관련된 무수한 질문 세례를 받습니다. 피비와 레이첼은 찰리와 함께 옷 쇼핑을 갔다가 오해가 생깁니다. 찰리는 피비가 조이를 좋아한다고 생각하지만 실은 레이첼이 조이를 좋아하는 거였고, 레이첼은 오해하는 찰리에게 아무일도 없던 것처럼 대합니다.
After learning they are reproductively incompatible, Chandler and Monica search for a sperm donor. After interviewing a suitable potential candidate (John Stamos), they decide to adopt instead. Phoebe realizes Rachel's feelings for Joey when she and Rachel take Charlie shopping, and Rachel fears Charlie heard that she likes Joey. Instead, Charlie believes that Phoebe likes Joey and thanks Rachel for convincing her not to make a move. While getting ready to go to Mike's sister's party, Phoebe meets David, the scientist guy, again and does not go to the party, instead going with him for dinner. Ross has an interview for a conference in Barbados.
Scene 1
Doctor: Well, I'm sorry there wasn't better news
from your test last week,
but I wanted to talk to you
about your options.
Monica: Okay.
Doctor: Well, first of all,
even though your chances of conceiving
through natural means aren't great,
you never know,
so keep having sex on a regular basis.
Chandler: Oh, damn it!
(챈들러를 지그시 바라보는 의사)
Monica: Don't worry.
After a while, you'll tune it out.
tune (something/someone) out :
- :to ignore someone or not give your attention to something or to what is happening around you:
- Most of what he says is such garbage that I just tune him out.
- She tends to tune out her parents’ advice and make her own decisions.
- When she started talking about her job, he just tuned out.
Scene 2
Phoebe: Okay, are you sure?
Because I am really dreading
going to this party.
Joey: Then don't go.
Phoebe: Mike knows I'm coming.
If I don't show up,
he'll think it's because of him,
and then I'm going to lose face.
That's a very serious thing in my culture.
- :to feel extremely worried or frightened about something that is going to happen or that might happen:
- He's dreading the exam - he's sure he's going to fail.
- I'm dreading having to meet his parents.
- The prospect of working full-time fills me with dread.
Rachel loves to shop, and she has great taste. (찰리와 함께 옷 쇼핑할 상대로 레이첼을 추천하면서 그녀가 쇼핑을 좋아할 뿐더러 패션 센스에 대해 칭찬하는 조이)
Which you're not. Because you're totally hung up on him. (마이크를 여전히 지극히 생각하는 피비의 마음을 콕 찝어주는 레이첼)
*hung up on: to be extremely interested in or worried by a particular subject and spend an unreasonably large amount of time thinking about it.
*She was all hung up on you.
I think I can safely say that we all have family issues, work stuff and or are sick. (로스가 컨퍼런스에 참여할 수 있냐고 묻자 챈들러의 반응)
*it's safe to say (that): used to say that you are confident about what you are going to say
*All I can safely say is that it clearly did not help.
I don't know, I just don't get a really good vibe from her. (피비가 레이첼에게 찰리 안좋아하냐고 묻자 레이첼의 대답)
Thanks for sticking up for me. God, you are such a nice person. (자신을 옹호해 준 사람이 피비가 아닌 레이첼이라고 착각한 찰리)
*If there's any trouble, I'll stick up for you.
If I don't show up, he'll think it's because of him, and then I'm going to lose face. (마이크 앞에 안 나타나면 그가 자신으로 인해 나타나지 않음을 알테고 그것은 심각하게 체면을 잃는 거라는 피비)
*lose face: to become less respected by others
*She had to accept defeat without losing face.
*You made me lose face.
I'm seeing anyone. (오랜만에 뉴욕의 길거리에서 만난 데이비드는 이쁘게 차려입은 피비를 보고 반가워 하면서 인사를 한다. 현재 누구를 만나고 있다며 거짓말을 치며. 사실은 체면을 구기기 싫었던 데이비드 )
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