영어공부 하시나요? 저도 그렇습니다. 시트콤 <프렌즈>를 10회 시청을 목표로 8회 차 정주행 중입니다. 가장 먼저 무자막, 그다음엔 영어 자막, 그리고 영어 자막과 한국어 자막을 켜고 보다가, 쉐도잉 하면서 어휘와 이디엄을 찾고 있습니다. 구동사도 추가했지요. 처음에는 10회 차까지 반복하게 되면 무척 질릴 것이라고 생각했습니다. 분명 그런 시간이 있었지만, 이제는 정이 들어서 또 봐도 재밌고, 여전히 새롭게 보이는 부분이 있고, 시즌10이 끝나면 아쉽기도 합니다. 작별인사 하면서 울기도 몇 번 울었습니다. 이처럼 <프렌즈>와 코드가 어느 정도 맞고, 꼭 반복해서 봐야겠다는 의지가 충만합니다. 서론은 줄이고, 공부하며 알게 된 어휘나 이디엄을 한 회당 3개 정도 공유합니다. :)
1 dodge
2 protest
3 scrappy
4 the likes of something/someone
get used to
시즌 10: 3화 "잘못된 선탠" 줄거리 ▼
모니카와 피비가 함께 살던 시절에 이웃이던 아만다가친구들을 만나러 왔습니다. 아만다는 눈치가 없어 모니카와 피비 사이에 있던 작은 들춰내서 두 사람의 사이를 흔들어 놓습니다. 한편, 로스는 모니카의 태닝이 마음에 들어서 샵에 갔는데 숫자를 잘 못 세는 바람에 태닝은 망하고 한쪽만 까맣게 변하고 맙니다.
After Ross sees Monica's tan, he decides to get a spray-on tan. After hearing seemingly straightforward instructions, he gets confused and accidentally gets a double dose on the front of his body and nothing on his back. Through a series of mishaps he gets more spray tan on his front until he is incredibly dark. Rachel and Joey attempt to take their relationship to the next level but Rachel keeps accidentally slapping Joey when he tries to rub her thigh, while Joey can't get Rachel out of her bra. When Rachel accidentally knees Joey's crotch while trying to have rough sex, the pair ultimately decide to stay friends. Monica and Phoebe try to "cut out" an obnoxious old friend from the building when she visits from England (Jennifer Coolidge). This brings up memories of the time when Phoebe tried to "cut out" Monica many years before.
Scene 1
Monica: Oh, what are we going to do?
I don't want to see her.
Phoebe: Oh, let's just cut her out.
Monica: What?
Phoebe: Cut her out of our lives.
Just ignore her calls
and dodge her till she gets the point.
dodge-dodged-dodged :
- : to avoid something unpleasant:
- The Senator dodged questions about his relationship with the actress.
- She tried to dodge paying her taxes.
- She tried to dodge the issue.
Scene 2
(화난 목소리로 집에 들어오며)
Monica: We are not friends with Phoebe anymore.
Chandler: If she asks,
I protested a little, but okay.
- :to express disagreement with, disapproval of, or opposition to something by complaining strongly about it
- Groups of students have been protesting (against) the tuition increase.
- Students took to the streets to protest against the decision.
- Lots of people protested about the new working hours.
Scene 3
Phoebe: It was right after we were living together
and you were driving me crazy, okay?
You were really controlling
and compulsive and shrill.
Monica: Well, I'm still all those things.
Phoebe: You're also so generous
and kind and scrappy.
Monica: I am scrappy.
Phoebe: Exactly. Look, no matter
what I tried to do,
I couldn't keep you out of my life.
Of all the people I've cut out,
you were the only one
who ever clawed her way back in.
(be) scrappy:
- very competitive and willing to oppose others without fear to achieve something:
- They were a scrappy team – you had to go all out to beat them.
- a scrappy little kid who won't take no for an answer
- Big companies are losing market share to scrappy smaller operators.
You might want to get back in there. (로스가 태닝을 한쪽에만 한 상태로 나와서 당황해 하자 태닝샵 직원이 하던말 )
Hey, what do you say we move this onto the likes of the couch? (레이첼에게 소파로 이동하자고 권유하는 조이)
*the likes of something/someone: someone or something that is equal to or as important as the person or thing being mentioned. The Likes Of의 Likes는 비슷한 사람, 동류를 뜻하는 Like의 복수형이고 Of는 무엇의, 무엇에 속하는이라는 뜻의 전치사입니다. The Likes Of, 단어 뜻 그대로는 무슨 의미인지 통하지 않는데요,이 말은 어떤 사람과 같은, 무엇과 유사한, ..등등의를 뜻하는 idiom으로 사용됩니다. 출처: VOA
*We haven’t seen the likes of Muhammad Ali since he retired.
I got this uncontrollable need to please people. (어맨다가 계속 만나자고 하니 거절하기 어려워하는 모니카)
It's just going to take some getting used to. (조이와의 로맨스에서 계속 예상치 못한 반응에 고민하던 레이첼)
No, I distinctly remember you were dodging her calls and try to avoid seeing her. (피비와 모니카 사이에서 과거 이야기를 꺼내는 과거 이웃 어맨다)
I mean, just because something's difficult doesn't mean that you quit. (레이첼과 로맨틱한 분위기를 잡으려다 정 안돼서 서로 멈추고 얘기하는 조이)
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