영어공부 하시나요? 저도 그렇습니다. 시트콤 <프렌즈>를 10회 시청을 목표로 8회 차 정주행 중입니다. 가장 먼저 무자막, 그다음엔 영어 자막, 그리고 영어 자막과 한국어 자막을 켜고 보다가, 쉐도잉 하면서 어휘와 이디엄을 찾고 있습니다. 구동사도 추가했지요. 처음에는 10회 차까지 반복하게 되면 무척 질릴 것이라고 생각했습니다. 분명 그런 시간이 있었지만, 이제는 정이 들어서 또 봐도 재밌고, 여전히 새롭게 보이는 부분이 있고, 시즌10이 끝나면 아쉽기도 합니다. 작별인사 하면서 울기도 몇 번 울었습니다. 이처럼 <프렌즈>와 코드가 어느 정도 맞고, 꼭 반복해서 봐야겠다는 의지가 충만합니다. 서론은 줄이고, 공부하며 알게 된 어휘나 이디엄을 한 회당 3개 정도 공유합니다. :)
1 grant
2 likewise
3 win fair ans square
too little too late
시즌 10: 6화 "미쳤거나 혹은 낭만적이거나" 줄거리 ▼
로스는 연구 보조금을 받기 위해 인터뷰를 봐야합니다. 보조금을 심사하는 인터뷰어가 찰리의 전남자친구인데요. 마침 찰리가 로스에게 그를 소개시켜해 준다고합니다. 그렇게 세 사람은 함께 저녁을 먹게 됩니다. 그리고 찰리를 잊지 못하는 전남자 친구를 만나게 되죠.
피비는 마이크와 함께 살기위해 여러가지 잡동사니를 정리하는데, 그 중 하나가 글래디스였습니다. 그녀는 피비가 만드는 생동감 넘치는 작품이었죠. 피비는 그녀의 작품을 모니카와 레이첼에게 주려고합니다.
Ross applies for a paleontology grant – and finds out Charlie's ex-boyfriend – Benjamin Hobart (Greg Kinnear) reviews the applications. Ross and Charlie have dinner with him and it becomes obvious that Benjamin still has feelings for her. During the interview, Benjamin sabotages Ross' application by not asking him any paleontological questions. Ross is upset so he informs Charlie. Benjamin confesses his feelings to Charlie and his ploy to get her back. Charlie reveals she still has feelings for Benjamin and gets back together with him, ending her and Ross' relationship. Phoebe is getting rid of things so Mike can move in but is sad to part with her disturbing artwork, Gladys. Monica pretends to like it but secretly hates it. Phoebe gives it to her but Monica and Rachel fight over who should have it since Phoebe thinks they both want it. She makes another even more disturbing artwork Glynnis which Monica keeps while Rachel keeps Gladys. Joey wants Chandler to get him a job in a commercial Chandler is working on but Chandler doesn't think he's right for the part. Chandler lies to Joey, but Joey realises when Chandler doesn't comment on the bizarre Japanese male lipstick commercial from his audition tape. Chandler makes it up to Joey by wearing the lipstick from the commercial.
Scene 1
Ross: Guess who's a finalist
for a huge research grant?
I'll give you a hint
He's looking right at you.
Charlie : Well, unless it's the creepy guy
with his hand up his kilt.
I'm going to say, "Congratulations!"
grant :
- an amount of money given especially by the government to a person or organization for a special purpose:
- a student/research grant
- They gave/awarded her a grant to study abroad for one year.
- What’s the form when you apply for a research grant?
Scene 2
Ross: I can't tell you how long
I've been an admier of you work.
I mean, that Nobel Prize...
(엄지 손가락을 치켜세운다)
I mean, I have to tell you
that you're one of the reasons
I got into the field.
Benjamin: Oh, well, likewise.
Actually, not likewise
I'd never heard of you until this morning.
But it's nice to be nice.
- in the same way:
- Just water these plants twice a week, and likewise the ones in the bedroom.
- "I don't have time to spend hours preparing one dish!" "Likewise (= it's the same for me).
- ‘Let me know if you ever need any help.’ ‘Likewise.’
Okay, now is there anything I could do to, you know, butter him up? (로스)
No, that's okay. You won fair and square. I'm so sad. (동전 던지기로 피비의 작품 글래디스를 누가 가질것인지 정하는데 모니카가 당첨되어 억지로 안타까워하는 레이첼)
*win fair ans square: 정정당당하게 이기다
*We won the election fair and square.
Too little, too late, Benji. (찰리의 전남친 벤지가 찰리에게 로스를 방해한 이유는 여전히 찰리를 사랑하기 때문이라고 얘기하자 버럭한 로스)
*too little, too late: not enough of something that should have been provided earlier. 진작 잘했어야지
*They say the actions are too little, too late.
Listen, I know I may be way out of bounds here, but is there any chance you would take me back? (찰리에게 다시 고백하는 전남친 벤지)
Okay, that's it, we are seeing other people. (찰리가 벤지랑 키스하니까 이제 서로 다른 사람만나자며 뒷북이라도 쳐보는 로스)
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