"The journey is the reward."

시트콤 <프렌즈>/시트콤 <프렌즈> 시즌 1-2

프렌즈 시즌2: 22화 영어 표현 look on bright side, hit the road

writer_C 2023. 12. 13. 08:00

출처 IMDb


시트콤 <프렌즈>를 10회 시청을 목표로 9회 차 정주행 중입니다. 처음에는 10회 차까지 반복하게 되면 무척 질릴 것이라고 생각했습니다. 분명 그런 시간이 있었지만, 이제는 정이 들어서 또 봐도 재밌고, 여전히 새롭게 보이는 부분이 있으며, 시즌10이 끝나면 아쉽기도 합니다. 무엇보다 반복할수록 눈에 들어오는 표현이 많아져 신기하고 보람 있습니다. 정주행 마치면 눈물도 나고요. 이처럼 <프렌즈>와 코드가 어느 정도 맞고, 꼭 반복하겠다는 의지가 충만한데요. 알게 된 어휘와 이디엄 그리고 기억하고 싶은 문장을 기록합니다. :)


1 occupied
2 bitch, smoosh


시즌 2: 22화 "이중 생일 파티" 줄거리 ▼

레이첼의 생일 파티를 앞두고 친구들을 초대합니다. 레이첼의 엄마와 아빠가 하도 싸워대는 통에 두 사람을 같이 초대하지 말자고 이야기했지만, 초대받지 않은 레이첼의 아버지가 깜짝 방문하는 바람에 파티는 두 곳에서 진행됩니다. 

Rachel comes back from her sister’s college graduation ceremony pissed at her parents for ruining it with their incessant rampage about the divorce. Concerned that her parents would not get along during her birthday party as well, she contemplates not inviting them to the party at all, though Monica has invited Rachel's mother, Sandra. Things quickly go awry when Rachel’s father, Dr. Green, unexpectedly arrives at the party right before Sandra does, prompting the gang to set up an impromptu second party at Chandler’s and Joey's apartment to keep the hostile couple apart. The second party turns out to be more fun and livelier than what Monica has planned, which results in some guests (including Gunther) leaving for the second party with the help of Phoebe. The gang tries to segregate both Greens throughout the night, and Rachel alternates between the two parties. She ends up feeling depressed, lamenting about her unavoidable future without her parents being together in it. Chandler, having had the painful experience of his parents divorcing, then comforts her. Both Sandra and Dr. Green are successfully kept apart despite many close calls, with Joey kissing the former as the latter leaves at the end of the party.




Scene 1 


Rachel: Listen, honey, can you keep Dad occupied?
I'm going to go talk to Mom for a while.

Ross: Okay, do you have any ideas
for any openers?

Rachel: Let's just stay clear of
"I'm the guy that's doing your daughter"
and you should be okay.


(be) occupied : 

  1. :busy or interested:
  2. full, in use, or busy:
  •  At that time I was fully occupied taking care of my elderly mother.
  • All the new toys kept the kids occupied for hours.
  • He’s fully occupied looking after three small children.




Scene 2


Rachel: I mean, I was in there
just listening to them
bitch about each other.
All I kept thinking about
was the Fourth of July.

Chandler: Because it reminded you of the way
our forefathers used
to bitch at each other?

Rachel: It's just this thing.
 Every year we would
go out on my dad's boat
and watch the fireworks.
Mom always hated it because the ocean air
made her hair all big.
My sister, Jill,
would be throwing up over the side.
And my dad would be upset
because nobody was helping.
And then when we did help,
he would scream at us for doing it wrong.
But then when the fireworks started,
everybody just shut up.
You know, and it'd get really cold.
And we would all just sort of smoosh
under this one blanket.
It never occurred to anybody
to bring another one.
And now it's...



  1. :to complain and make unkind remarks about someone or something
  • She's always bitching about Tanya.
  • Don't bitch at each other all the time. 
  •  All you do is just bitch about your relationships all day long. 


: To squeeze lightly, slowly, lovingly.

: smush

Well, I have to be. I don't really have a choice. I mean, you know, I could look at the bright side. I get two birthday parties and two birthday cakes. 한창 싸우는 레이첼의 부모님 두 분이 다 레이첼의 생일 파티에 참여해서 난감한 상황에 챈들러가 괜찮냐고 묻고 레이첼은 상황을 긍정적으로 보려고 노력한다 (Look on the bright side)
All right, Monica, dear. I'm going to hit the road. 레이첼의 생일 파티를 나서는 미시즈 그린