"The journey is the reward."

시트콤 애니메이션 영화

💜 워킹맘 다이어리 표현정리

writer_C 2024. 4. 9. 18:48

빨간옷이 케이트, 그녀부터 시계방향으로, 앤, 프랭키, 제니




9화 프랭크가 전 와이프와 만나 이야기를 하는 상황

Giselle: Reba and I have been talking, and we've agreed to buy out of your half of the house.

Frankie : Yes! Thank you, G, that's really gonna help me get back on my feet.


케이트가 앤의 자녀를 잠시 맡아주다가 여성으로 사는 것의 장점에 대해 말해준다

Kate: We birth life. I'd like to see your Dad do that. And on top of that, we can be doctors, or engineers,or the President, you know in some countries. Hell, you wanna be a Youtube star? Anne's daughter:  Oh my God, yes!


12화 앤의 전남편이 그녀에게 최면을 건 뒤 이상한 행동을 했다는 걸 알게 된 앤은 피해자를 모아 이야기를 들어본다

Kate : Would a slice of cake help?Young student : Um... no, I'm okay. It's a nice touch tough.멋진 마무리이야




1화 케이트와 함께 있는 네이선을 본 앤은 집들이 파티에서 네이선에게 욕을 하고 만다

Anne: Yeah, I know I did but then I saw your face next his face and all I could think about

was my nanny sitting on it.

Kate: Look, I can't hear this right now, okay? So I need you like suppress it, or like take it out on your patients or something.

*take it out on someone: to treat someone badly because you are upset or angry, even if they have done nothing wrong.


2화 10대 딸에 대한 양육서 책을 쓰기로 한 박사 앤은 출판 관계자와 이야기를 나눈다

Anne: Mmm, you know the thing about proof, it's really hard to nail down.

A woman: And I secured you an advance so you can actually write this thing.

*nail down: to understand something completely, or to describe something correctly.


4화 회사일에 대해서 고민을 토로한 케이트는 남편 네이선에게 아주 오래된 조언을 듣는다

Kate: What's that supposed to mean?

Nathan: It's your company. Your name on the line, and no one's coming to save you.

Kate: Okay, that's sorta grim.

Nathan: No way, it's like empowering. However you wanna handle it, no one's coming.


5화 졸지에 집이 없어진 네이선의 부모님을 모시게 생긴 케이트 부부는 새로운 거주지를 알아봐 주게 된다

Nathan's father: Hmm, I don't think I don't see what's going on around here.

She's pulling all the strings, and you're too much of a pussy to stand up for your mother and father.

Maybe that's where Charlie gets it from, huh?

Nathan: Dad?

Nathan's father: Here we go.

Nathan: Don't you dare blame Kate. You played fast and loosed with your home and savings,

so you don't have a say.

*play fast and loose : to treat something or someone without enough care. 무책임한 짓을 하다





1화 라이오넬의 오피스에서 근황을 주고받는 와이프 앤, 앤은 캘거리 라이프에 적응하기 어려워한다

Anne: I'm sorry. I'm really trying here, I am. I just feel like yours and the kid's plus one.Lionel: Okay.How about this...give it a year. And if you still feel like you don't fit in , we'll leave.But in the meantime, just try.I know it's different, but maybe... different could be good for you right now.


3화 성공한 비즈니스 우먼인 슬론은 케이트에게 명품 가방을 선물해주며 말한다

Sloane: Pleasure yourself, Kate, because in the end, no one else is gonna do it for you.


8화 너무 높은 가격을 불러 고객을 놓친 상황, 케이트와 리처드의 대화

Kate: But if we don't set expectations up front, people are gonna see us as pushovers,and we're gonna lose business.

Richard: I'm pretty sure we just did.Let me tell you something, Missy, this Sloane woman better be everything you think she is, because you're putting a hell of lot of eggs in that basket.*프렌즈에서 레이첼이 "I'm not a pushover!"라고 하는 대사에 이어서 기업을 pushover라고 하는 경우를 만나서 신기해서 기록




9화 슬론의 직장동료는 슬론의 임신 사실을 알게 되어 이를 뒷통수 치는 데 이용한다

Sloane's coworker: Mm, it's just, I'd kinda like to take a crack at spearheading this whole account.

*take a crack at : To attempt or try.Sloane: Excuse me?
Sloane's coworker: Well, I think it makes sense that I run point on this one.I mean, I am the one that got you guys to pull the trigger. And don't you want someone capable running the account once Sloane's not around?


11화 회사 작가의 인터뷰를 앞두고 긴장해하는 케이트에게 앤이 조언을 건낸다

Kate: You-you think I should stop?

Anee: No, of course don't stop!

Kate: No?

Anne: You're not gonna quit anyway, so snap out of it!

*snap out of it :  Snap out of it은 '기운을 내' 혹은 ‘정신 좀 차려’라는 뜻입니다. 그러니까 축 처져있는 사람에게 기운을 내라고 한다던가, 쓸데없는 생각이나 몽상에 빠져있는 사람에게 정신을 차리라고 할 때 쓰는 표현이죠.


