1화 케이트 포스터의 이상한 하루
Kate struggles with a major change in the Foster household. As promised, Sloane makes Kate's work life a living hell. Luckily, Anne and the Carlson's have moved back from Cochrane - well, most of them.
작은 집으로 이사하게 된 앤은 책이 잘 팔렸더라면 전에 살던 집에 살았을지도 모른다며 푸념하다가 사과한다
Anne : I know, I'm sorry, I shouldn't've said that.
I love the cover.
Kate : You better.
Because I'm still paying the price for it.
Ugh. Sloane.
*pay the price : to experience the bad result of something you have done.
2화 따뜻한 점심
Suspicious of Nathan Jr.'s behaviour, Kate looks to Anne for advice. But the guidance she needs come from a surprising source. Meanwhile, a promising book proposal reunites rivals Kate and Sloane.
케이트의 돌발행동에 화가 나있던 슬론, 꽤 괜찮아 보이는 책을 발견한 케이트의 제안에 다시 힘을 합쳐 일하게 된다
Sloane : Oh, would you loosen up?
What do you want me to say?
Kate : Well, for starters, how about you call off the busywork?
Sloane : Is that what this is about?
Fine. I relieve you.
Kate : So you admit it was busywork!
Sloane : I was pissed off.
Kate : So am I out of the doghouse?
Sloane : For now.
*busywork : work that you are given or give yourself mainly so that you have something to do, rather than because it is really necessary. 바쁘기만하고 별로 쓸모는 없는 일
*in the doghouse : If you are in the doghouse, someone is annoyed with you and shows their disapproval. 그러니까 이러한 상태에서 벗어나게 된 것이 out of the doghouse.
3화 바이 바이 골디
Jenny and MCP face the consequences of mixing business with pleasure. Kate makes a tough choice at work after a surprising discovery. And in Cochrane, there's a bumpy legal road ahead for Lionel.
로지는 집에서 골디 제품을 소개하는 시간을 가지는데, 골디의 실체를 알게 된 케이트가 그녀를 말리러 온다
Kate : (입에 유기농 골디 제품을 뿌리는 로지를 말리며) Okay. Let's just hit the pause button for a sec.
I do need to talk to you.
Rosie : Okay, who wants a taste?
Woman : Me!
*hit the pause button : 일시 정지하다, 잠시 쉬다
4화 중요한 생일
Val invites the gal pals to her birthday - Well, she invites them to plan her birthday. A conflict between our ladies at the party causes the day to go off the rails until Sloane and Kate turn things around.
슬론이 임신테스트기를 사용할 동안 친구들은 나란히 앉아 잡담을 나눈다
Kate: I'll admit it, Val, the shirt was a good purchase.
Val : You want me to run back and see if they have a small?
It would look good on you.
Kate : No, I already got it, so.
Val : What about a pair of.(선글라스를 가르키며).. hmm?
Kate : No, I'm good.
5화 재즈 중독자
Kate urges Nathan Jr. to loosen up and discover his wild side. MCP tries to solve problems the quick way, but Jenny isn't willing to cut corners. Anne struggles to keep her trademark anger in check.
색소폰 연습으로 좋아하는 사람의 마음을 사로잡고자 하는 네이선 주니어를 위해 케이트는 조언 하나를 해준다
Kate : What if, just go with me here,
what if you were to let loose?
Let your guts take the wheel!
Get out of that head of yours!
Nathan Jr. : I mean, when I pay the sax --
Kate : No offence, I'm trying to get you away from that sax
and into some trouble.
*let loose : to allow someone to do what they want in a place. 제 멋대로 되다, (통제를 받지 않고)마음대로 하다
6화 오!오!오
Kate plays detective after finding a mysterious phone number in Nathan's pocket. Anne's explosive personality lands her in Anger Management. And Sloane's ultrasound appointment goes a little too well.
공원에서 키스한 남자를 산부인과에서 만난 슬론은 남자와 재미있게 대화를 나눈다
Sloane : What are you, a comedian in your off hours?
Paul : Uh, no, but I'll take that as a compliment.
*off hours : the time when someone is not at work.
7화 고래를 찾아서
Kate helps Nathan build a connection with Nathan Jr. Anne joins Lionel in Cochrane to support his big day in court. Jenny feels edged out of her own wedding planning while Sloane's love life heats up.
케이트는 작가 레베카에게 로지를 골디 제품의 내부 고발자로서 추천한다
Kate : Rebecca Anderson, I'd like to introduce you
to Rosie Phillips, your new insider source.
Rebecca : This is your plan?
Doesn't she work for you?
Kate : She does, which is why I can speak fristhand
to the damage this little side-hustle has done.
Rosie : A side-hustle I happen to have a real knack for.
*have a knack for : ~에 재주(재능)이 있다
8화 곰을 찌르다
A surprise move from Goldie sends Kate and Sloane's joint project into a tailspin. Upon returning from Cochrane, tensions between Lionel and Anne are higher than ever.
법정에서 소란을 일으켜 쫓겨난 앤에게 아쉬움을 토로하는 라이오넬. 결국 앤은 그와 말싸움을 하고 앤은 심한말을 한다
Anne : I'm sorry. I didn't mean that.
It's just my rage talking, it's something I'm working through in Anger Management.
Lionel : Which you're not even going to anymore.
Anne : Well, I'm a quick study, and I got the gist of it,
plus I has a pretty big breakthrough.
*a quick study : someone who is able to learn things quickly.
*get the gist of : ~의 요점(핵심)을 파악하다
9화 상상 속 친구
Kate discovers Charlie has an imaginary friend, while her business is under fire. The Carlsons reluctantly host a guest from Cochrane. A stubborn Jenny comes to terms with painful realities.
슬론의 직장동료는 슬론의 임신 사실을 알게 되어 이를 뒷통수 치는 데 이용한다
Sloane's coworker: Mm, it's just, I'd kinda like to take a crack at spearheading this whole account.
Sloane: Excuse me?
Sloane's coworker: Well, I think it makes sense that I run point on this one.I mean, I am the one that got you guys to pull the trigger. And don't you want someone capable running the account once Sloane's not around?
*take a crack at : To attempt or try
10화 으스스한 처녀 파티
It's Jenny's bachelorette party, and Val booked a haunted house. But when a storm and an unwanted visitor pose a real threat, the ladies will have to band together if they want to survive the night.
슬론은 폴의 조언을 듣고 새로운 동료에게 마음을 열었지만 뒤통수를 맞은 것에 대해 여전히 화가났음을 이야기한다
Sloane : I took your advice, right?I opended up to Nina, she immediately stabbed me in the back.I knew I shouldn't have told her, I should have trust my gut.
Paul : But you know you needed to tell people at work sooner or later,and I bet you they are all over the moon for you.*be over the moon : to be very pleased.
11화 휴식이 필요해
작가 레베카의 인터뷰를 앞두고 긴장해하는 케이트에게 앤이 조언을 건낸다
Kate: You-you think I should stop?
Anee: No, of course don't stop!
Kate: No?
Anne: You're not gonna quit anyway, so snap out of it!
*snap out of it : Snap out of it은 '기운을 내' 혹은 ‘정신 좀 차려’라는 뜻입니다. 그러니까 축 처져있는 사람에게 기운을 내라고 한다던가, 쓸데없는 생각이나 몽상에 빠져있는 사람에게 정신을 차리라고 할 때 쓰는 표현이죠.
12화 무서운 것들
Kate disappears on a personal day but neglects to tell her family. An invigorated Sloane reasserts herself at Wynston. Jenny faces a difficult but necessary choice.
달걀 세례를 맞고 팔에는 화상을 입은채 번아웃이 와 수족관에서 해파리를 보고 있는 케이트를 찾아낸 앤은 조언을 해준다
Anne : Okay, that's the pep talk, now is when you realizeyou can't just spend your whole day zoning outin front of these floating alien breast implants.
Kate : Wanna bet? (해파리를 보며 여유로운 숨울 쉬는 케이트)
Anne : Snap out of it, we're leaving.
*zone out : to stop paying attention and not hear or see what is around you for a short period of time.
13화 성장하고 싶다면
Kate may never 'have it all,' but she's finally closer to finding a balance. Anne has a breakthrough at anger management. And Nathan Jr. makes a big decision.
케이트는 로지와 리처드, 모에게 파트너를 제안한다
Kate : No. Look, Rose,
you've been working with me a long time now.
You've stood by my side through some big wins,
and some major losses.
I'd like to offer you a stake in the business.
Rosie : What?
Kate : I want you to be a partner, Rosie.
*have a stake in : ~에 이해관계가 있다. If you have a stake in something, it is important to you because you have a personal interest or involvement in it:
'시트콤 애니메이션 영화' 카테고리의 다른 글
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