1화 파일럿 에피소드
- Alex: You know, you need to learn how to set some limits with her. Because if not, she is gonna walk all over you. 딸과 통화하는 톰에게 지키지 못할 약속을 하지 말고 기준을 만드는 게 좋다고 권유하는 알렉스.
- *Walk all over somebody: to treat someone very badly or defeat them very easily.
- Mr. President : Please, Mr. Ambassador, let's not get off on the wrong foot here tonight. 이란 대사에게 구축함을 철수하라고 얘기하는 지정생존자, 톰
- *get off on the right/wrong foot : to make a successful/unsuccessful start in something.
2화 첫날
- Governor Royce : There is no Congress, there is no superme court. When it comes to the people of Michigan, I am the higerst authority, and you have non over me. 미시간주에서 무고한 무슬림 시민을 제압하는 문제로 주지사와 대통령 커크먼이 의견 불일치를 보인다
- Mr. President : With all due respect, sir, I am the President.
- *with all due respect : used for expressing polite disagreement.
3화 자백
- Tyler : Um, my dad was... He was a great man...
- Mr. President : I had tremendous respect for him.
- Tyler : ...as a president, but, um, you know, to me, he was just... Dad. I mean, he had the hardest job in the world, you know, um, things coming at him from everyone and everywhere, but,... you know, still, he was always there for me, um... And now...
- Mr. President : I have some very big shoes to fill.
- Tyler : Yeah, we both do.
- 전 대통령의 아들에게 대통령에 대한 기억을 묻고 위로를 건네는 상황
- *have big shoes to fill : to have to be extremely good in order to be as good as the person who had a particular job or position before you.
4화 눈 앞의 적
- Mr. President : My God. I never thought I'd be in a position to decide who lives or dies.
- Alex: Oh, Tom. Do you remember the first night that we were here, when we thought about running away? And you said no? That you felt that this was something you needed to do? And I think you were right. There's too much at stake. If you listen to your instincts, you will do the right thing. 다급하게 돌아가는 상황을 설명하는 톰에게 에밀리가 본능을 믿으라고 조언해 준다.
- *at stake : in danger of being lost.
‘The stakes are really high’는 직역하면 말이 안 되는 영어 표현이에요. ‘The stakes’를 직역하면 ‘말뚝들’이라는 뜻이지만, 여기서는 ‘기대치’나 ‘이뤄야 하는 목표’ 등을 의미하고, ‘많은 것이 걸린 것’이란 뜻으로 사용돼요. 그래서 ‘The stakes are high’라는 영어 표현은 ‘기대가 크다’, ‘많은 걸 걸었다/걸려있다’라는 의미로 사용해요.
5화 작전
- Agent Wells: I know that you have a lot on your plate, but I'd like to request access to the plans for the most recent Capitol renovations.
- Congresswoman Hookstraten : Which are calssified. Yeah, red tape's a bitch. What are you looking for? 에이전트 웰스는 하원의원에게 찾아가 최근 의사당 보수 공사 자료를 구해달라고 요청한다.
- have something on your plate : to have something, usually a large amount of important work, to deal with.
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