시트콤 <프렌즈>로 영어공부 하신다고요? 저도 벌써 7회차 정주행하고 있어요.^^
리스닝하고, 쉐도잉하고, 이제는 어휘나 문법을 찾아보고 있죠.
이번 포스팅은 프렌즈 시즌4 :3화 에서 '알아두면 좋을 표현'입니다.
제가 공부하면서 알게 된 표현과 어휘를 기록해 놓는거죠.
어휘의 경우, 케임브리지 영영사전을 이용하였습니다. ^^
시즌 4: 3화 "수갑 소동" 줄거리 ▼
조애나의 사무실에서 수갑이 묶인 채 오도 가도 못하는 챈들러와 실랑이하는 레이첼...^^
Joey is enticed when a door-to-door encyclopedia salesman shows up at his apartment, since he has always felt left out whenever the gang has intellectual conversations. However, Joey can only afford to buy the sample volume and becomes knowledgeable only on subjects that start with the letter "V." Monica caters a party for her mother, but the mini-quiches are effectively ruined when one of her false fingernails gets lost in one. Judy then reveals that she expected Monica to mess up so she bought frozen lasagnas as back-up. Monica, upset that her mother has never had faith in her, whips up delicious dishes at the last minute to prove her mother wrong. Judy ultimately gets impressed and the two reconcile. Meanwhile, Chandler begins dating Rachel's boss, Joanna, again but lands in a sticky situation when Joanna handcuffs him inside her office, then leaves for a meeting that gets delayed, stranding him for hours. Rachel is furious when she sneaks into Joanna’s office (having been under the impression that Joanna has been listing names of employees that would get a Christmas bonus) to find Chandler stuck there pantsless, since he has promised to end the relationship many times but never does.
Monica: I just told my mom
I'd cater her party for her.
엄마 파티 요리를
내가 담당하겠다고 했어
Phoebe: How come?
Monica: Because I need the money.
돈이 필요하니까
And I thought it'd be a great way to get rid of
that last little smidgen of self-respect.
눈곱만큼 남았던
내 자존심마저도 이젠 안녕이야
Smidgen :
- a very small amount:
- Could I have a smidgen more wine?
- You don't look like you lightened up a smidgen.
- It was five years since I'd last seen him, but he hadn't changed a smidgen.
Monica: Let me ask you a question.
하나만 여쭤볼게요
Why did you hire me?
왜 절 고용하셨어요?
Ms. Geller : Oh, well, Richard raved about the food at this party
리처드가 어찌나 네 음식을 칭찬하던지
of course, you were sleeping with him.
근데 네 잠자리 상대잖니
Then I heard the food at that lesbian wedding was very nice.
그러다 레즈비언 결혼식 때도 요리가 훌륭했다길래
I assume you weren't sleeping with anyone there.
근데 그 애들이랑 네가 잤을 리가 없잖니
Though, at least that would be something.
그래서 믿어 보기로 했지
- to express praise and admiration for someone or something enthusiastically:
- She raved about/over the clothes she had seen at the Paris fashion shows.
- Everyone is raving about that new Vietnamese restaurant.
- Fans and drivers rave about it too.
Rachel: There's gonna be rumors about this.
There's no way to stop it.
이 일이 소문나면 모두가 알게 될 거야
Sophie knows, Monica and Phoebe know.
소피도 알고 모니카랑 피비도 아니까
Chandler: How do Monica and Phoebe know?
걔들이 무슨 수로 알아?
Rachel: Oh, I called them.
내가 전화했거든
When they ask me what I saw...
내가 본 걸 꼬치꼬치 캐물으면...
I can be very generous,
엄청나게 부풀려서 말하거나
or very stingy.
아주 축소해서 말할 수도 있지
(be) Stingy:
- not generous, or unwilling to spend money:
- Some bankers are stingy in lending to small businesses.
- Don’t be so stingy with the cream!
- He's really stingy and never buys anyone a drink when we go out.
Could we be more white trash? (집이 다 털리고 안쓰는 물건을 가져와서 앉아 있다가 한마디 하는 챈들러) white trash 가난한 백인
Honey, come on. Have a sense of humor. You're never able to laugh at yourself. (모니카를 다독이는 겔러 부인)
Could you be a doll and grab them and scoot on over here and unlock me? (레이첼에게 자신의 수갑을 풀어달라고 부탁하는 챈들러)
what can you swing? = what are you able to do? (사전을 파는 세일즈맨이 조이에게 묻는다)
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